
‘Girls only’ Junior Golf Development Centre opens

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Brampton Golf Club'ss first ‘girls only’ National Junior Golf Development Centre

BRAMPTON, Ont. – PGA of Canada professionals Jon Roy and Jeff Overholt have teamed up with Brampton Golf Club to officially launch the first ‘girls only’ National Junior Golf Development Centre (NJGDC).

NJGDCs are a joint initiative between Golf Canada and PGA of Canada professionals to offer juniors a permanent home to develop their skills and golfing interests. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, each centre accommodates those pursuing the competitive stream as well as those practicing for a more recreational approach to the sport.

In this case, Overholt & Roy are focused on providing young females the opportunity to focus on golf in a girls only setting. The welcoming atmosphere should help address any concern of a barrier for girls to enter the sport.

“We found there was an opportunity to create a structure to take girls’ golf games to the next level,” explained Overholt. “There’s a gap between the number of girls, especially at the competitive level, and we thought this program will help fix a disconnect we’ve seen. Other programs are already in place for different sports like hockey or baseball, but this is the first for golf.”

Brampton Golf Club will host an information night on June 2nd between 6:30-8:30pm for all interested parents and juniors. Brittany Marchand, member of the National Women’s Amateur team, will be in attendance to endorse the program. Marchand is also a member at Brampton GC and is fresh off of competing at the NCAA Championship to close out her collegiate career at N.C. State.

If you are a parent looking for a golf program in your area, consider using the look-up tool on the Golf Canada Juniors website. All NJGDCs, CN Future Links Facilities, and corresponding programs are listed based on proximity to the user’s postal code.