Rules and Rants

Golf Canada Handicaps – by the numbers…

Each year staff at Golf Canada take great pride in reflecting in the engagement of our members through the Golf Canada Score Centre and score posting for handicap purposes.  Below is a brief summary of what our members did in 2013…

Total number of members who posted at least 1 score in 2013…         202,640
Total number of new Members who posted a minimum of 5 scores…  30,351
Total number of scores posted…    7,480,087

Scores Posted by Type:

For more information and FAQ’s on Handicap and Course Rating, please click here.

To ask a Handicap question, you can email me at

For more information on how to proceed in various Rules of Golf situations, guidance on the Golf Canada Handicap System and more, please consult our Rules of Golf publications – for purchase in Golf Canada’s eStore, or at your local book retailer.