
Marching onward with National Junior Golf Development Centres

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Already a few months into 2014, Golf Canada, the PGA of Canada and the Provincial Associations are streamlining their efforts towards expanding the outreach of National Junior Golf Development Centres (NJGDCs).

This initiative was introduced to offer juniors and their parents a permanent home, a facility that can take care of their developmental needs from the first time they touch a club all the way through to competitive golf. Recognized NJGDCs receive numerous benefits, including support from governing golf bodies, official certification, promotion, funding potential and more.

Registration comes at no cost to the facility and is open to private, public, semi-private or municipal golf facilities.

Mike Kelly, Managing Director of Sport at the Golf Association of Ontario, shows his enthusiasm for the growth of NJGDCs and what they mean to junior golf.

The programming of NJGDCs is structured to provide juniors the choice of entering the competitive stream or pursuing an interest to play the sport recreationally. Dallas Desjardins, PGA of Canada member and General Manager at Summerside Golf Club in P.E.I., describes the benefits of running a NJGDC and the business opportunities it has created for him and his facility.

At the end of 2013, 25 NJGDCs were fully recognized across Canada. Moving forward, each centre will be provided with updated programming that aligns with golf’s Long-Term Player Development model. Additionally, centres receive continued marketing support and materials from Golf Canada and the PGA of Canada.

Interested in becoming a NJGDC? Apply here

Click here for more information.