Inside Golf House

Better with age: Golf clubs across Canada celebrate anniversaries in 2019

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Southwood Golf & Country Club’s 125th anniversary highlights a list of 52 Golf Canada member clubs across all ten provinces that are celebrating anniversaries in 2019.

Founded in 1894 and on its current site since 2011, Southwood Golf & Country Club is one of the oldest clubs in Canada. As part of the Winnipeg club’s anniversary celebrations, The Players Cup, a Mackenzie Tour – PGA Tour Canada event, will be held at the course from Aug. 15-18.

All clubs that are celebrating an anniversary will receive a plaque from Golf Canada. Clubs celebrating their 100th anniversary will receive a commemorative scroll.

In addition to Southwood Golf & Country Club’s 125th, 11 clubs are celebrating their centennial:

Earl Grey Golf Club

Earl Grey Golf Club (Calgary, Alta.)

Three clubs are celebrating their 75th anniversary:

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Neepawa Golf & Country Club (Neepawa, Man.)

Sixteen clubs are celebrating their 50th anniversary:

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Brudenell Golf Course (Cardigan, PEI)

Twenty-one clubs are celebrating their 25th anniversary

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Winchelsea View Golf Course (Lantzville, B.C.)